Year End at Calvary

Dear Calvary Church Family,

As we come to the end of another incredible year, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy for all that the Lord has accomplished in our midst. The Lord has been faithful to open many doors for us to walk through and proclaim His name, locally, nationally, and globally.

In 2023, we celebrated one year in our new church home. Our team has worked diligently on several different construction projects to provide a warm environment for all who attend our fellowship. We have more projects scheduled for the new year, one of which is moving all our power to solar.

Our church has had many opportunities this last year to impact our community. We have been able to lead city council meetings in prayer. I personally have had the privilege of becoming an Orange County Sheriff’s Chaplain. We are actively involved and in support of our local Pregnancy Resource Center which provides alternatives to women considering terminating their pregnancies. We have seen many babies’ lives saved this last year.

For a third time, we held one of the largest men’s gatherings in Southern California, the SoCal Men’s Conference at the Anaheim Convention Center with over seven thousand men in attendance. Next year’s conference is already on the calendar. This year we participated in one of the largest Baptisms in Southern California history at Pirates Cove where over five thousand people were baptized. Our Spanish church led by Pastor Fabian Martinez meets weekly and ministers in the neighborhoods reaching young children and their families with the love of Jesus. We held a free and safe event for the community called the Harvest Festival as an alternative to Halloween that brought out thousands. This year, we also were given the privilege of hosting a memorial at our church for a California Fire Marshall that brought the first responder community together.

Through the Christmas season, we have had the joy of spreading the message of gospel on two separate occasions at the Outlets of San Clemente to over five thousand people. We have also had the opportunity to be in local junior high and high school campuses in San Clemente proclaiming the gospel to the young people in our community. Our Spanish ministry provided presents for children in poor neighborhoods. We sent out over 350 Operation Christmas Child Boxes around the world. Our Women’s ministry put on an amazing two nights of Christmas dinners with over 500 women in attendance each night, served by the men at Calvary. In our own fellowship, we have baptized countless hundreds of people at Baby Beach and onsite at our church campus.

On issues that affect our families, we have attended school board meetings to stand in the gap for truth. We have traveled to Sacramento and stood on the steps of the California State Capital in opposition to the evil legislation that has been devastating our state. We have marched in the pouring rain during this year’s March for Life. In addition, we hosted a staff retreat for one of the largest and most engaged online communities in the prolife movement, an organization called Live Action.

We also saw a miracle this year as we stood with hundreds of other believers at an abortion clinic that was set to open in Beverly Hills, and it was denied its permits and shut down. Praise the Lord!!!!

Our radio ministry, “A Daily Walk” has expanded throughout the United States and is heard on over 500 radio stations every day. Our outreach online has also expanded significantly and is reaching thousands of people with God’s Word.

Every day of the week at Calvary South OC there is ministry onsite that is providing God’s Word and an opportunity to grow. There are Men and Women’s Prayer meetings, Mission’s Prayer meeting, Thrive Young Adults, Calvary Men and Women’s Bible Studies, Midweek Study, 55+ Fellowship, Young Families, Focus Generation Singles, High school, Jr. High, Children’s Ministry, Salt and Light, Homeschool Moms, Cancer Support, Widows Fellowship, Spanish Ministry, First Responders Bible Study, School of Ministry, Celebration Choir, and more.

Our mission’s ministry continues to expand nationally and globally. We have had three church plants come out of our church. One in Mexico, Texas, and Florida. We have missionaries that we support all over the world. They are in Nepal, China, Africa, Mexico, Guatemala, Rwanda, Arizona, Nicaragua, and more. The kingdom of God is expanding.

There is so much more that I could report but let me say that I am deeply moved by the incredible generosity and support that you have shown throughout this year. Your faithful giving has helped provide for all the ministries, enabled us to reach out to those in need, and empowered us to make a tangible difference in the lives of many.

As we look forward to the new year, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for us as a church. Our mission to be a beacon of light and love in our community burns brighter than ever, and I am confident that together, we will continue to impact lives and spread God's love in powerful ways.

Your ongoing support is a blessing, and I am humbly asking for your continued generosity as we prepare for the year ahead. Your financial contributions, volunteerism, and prayers are making an everlasting impact, and I am deeply thankful for each and every one of you.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior this Christmas season, let us also reflect on the incredible blessings we have received and the hope that the new year holds for us. May God's grace and peace be with you and your loved ones as we enter 2024.

I am grateful for your faithfulness and the many ways in which you have blessed our church family. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for being a shining example of God's love in our community.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year!

Yours in Christ,

John Randall

Senior Pastor

Calvary South OC

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