Pastor John's response to COVID-19

Dear Church Family,

Although the risk of the spread of the Corona Virus in our area remains relatively low, we feel it prudent to be proactive in our response to the threat and to inform you with relevant information on how we are handling the situation.

  1. Pastor Gary Kusunoki has been designated as our point of contact for all Covid 19 related questions or training.  He has been monitoring the situation on a daily basis and is responsible for advising me on the current status in our area and internationally.

  2. We are in constant contact with the CDC and our Orange County Health Department and we receive regular updates on the current situation.

  3. Our goal is to ensure the health and safety of all the members of our church.

  4. As a result, we will be instituting some changes immediately and have a plan in the event that the situation progresses. 

We have instituted a three tiered response to this:

  1. We are monitoring the CDC, Orange County Healthcare website and other informational sites daily.

  2. Our Children’s Ministry has been cleaning and disinfecting our toddler and nursery classrooms after each service.  We clean and sanitize all the toys as well, and clean all surfaces and doorknobs.  Effective immediately we are instituting that for all classrooms, including Jr. High and High School.

  3. All snacks served in the children’s ministry will be individually bagged before the service by those following strict sanitary guidelines.

  4. All bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized after each service.

  5. We will be putting up hand wash stations at certain locations throughout the building (as long as supplies last).

  6. We are requiring all our staff and volunteers to exercise good hygiene and regular hand washing.

  7. We will be strictly enforcing the 'no sick children' rule in both the children’s, youth and family rooms.  We would ask your cooperation by keeping your children or yourselves home if you have a runny nose, fever or cough or other respiratory symptoms even if you think it is just allergies.  As always, please call your health care provider if you have these symptoms.

  8. For the time being, we will also not be providing bagels or coffee at our Sunday or midweek services.

  9. We will also not be passing a tithe bag through the congregation but instead have boxes available at the back of the sanctuary and in the foyer where you can put your contribution. You can also give securely online at our church website.

  10. We suggest for the time being you avoid physical contact, i.e. handshakes, hugs, etc. But instead, give a friendly smile or gracious greeting in the name of the Lord.

Tier 2:

  1. While maintaining all the Tier 1 practices, we will begin to institute social distancing.

  2. We will be rescheduling or canceling all group or outside events.

  3. Access to the building will be specifically controlled to limit outside infections coming into the building.

  4. Requiring all students to use hand sanitizer when they come in.

Tier 3:

  1. If the situation worsens and we are ordered into a more stringent quarantine we are prepared to stream all our services and not have people gather together for our regular services.  They will be streamed as always at their normal time and will as always be archived.

  2. The church will operate with a skeleton staff with as much work being done through telecommuting.

  3. The entire church will be cleaned and disinfected prior to the building being opened to the general public again.

All that being said, we would ask you to please do your part to help in this situation.  If you are sick, out of courtesy for others please stay home and get well. Exercise good hygiene, washing  your hands frequently with warm soapy water and coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the nook of your arm.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, older adults (ages 60 and higher) as well as people who have serious, chronic medical conditions (like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease) are at higher risk for contracting COVID-19. These individuals should avoid crowds as much as possible, as well as cruise travel and non-essential air travel.
If you need prayer, please do not hesitate to text our prayer chain at  Please check the church website regularly for any changes at
For more information you can also consult the following websites:
Please be in prayer for this unprecedented situation and if you need anything from us, contact the church office by phone or email

In Him,

Pastor John Randall


Update from Pastor John for services