The Sakars in Nepal
February Missionary of the Month: The Sakars in Nepal
Hello Calvary South OC Family! Happy New Year!!
We are so blessed to be missionary of the month and to share all that is happening out here. It has been a very busy season in life for us.
Calvary Chapel Kathmandu is doing great. It is a blessing to see people excited to come to church. In September, we had the privilege to baptize several of the youth from our church. On Christmas Day, it is a Nepali tradition for the entire church to get together for an all day celebration by sharing dances, songs, and dramas followed by a Christmas and gospel message and after service, everyone eats lunch together. It is a sweet time of fellowship and a great way to celebrate as a church family. This year was particularly special as Levi and Eden took part in a couple of the performances as well.
In the end of September, the Kathmandu Valley was hit with three days of nonstop rain causing rivers to overflow. We had over half the annual average rainfall in only two days! By the grace of God, the area we live in was not affected, but several of our friends lost or had severe damage to their homes and ministries. The houses and church in the slum that we work with were also destroyed. With the help of several friends and ministries here in Nepal, and with some relief funds, we were able to help several families by buying essential kitchen items that they had lost in the floods.
We welcomed the newest member of our family, Abigail Joy Sarkar, on October 6th! She is the sweetest addition to our family. It has been an adjustment for all of us with having three kids, but we are completely in love with her. We cannot wait to see what God has planned for this new life!
On December 7th, our 4th group of School of Worship students graduated! It was a great celebration of God’s faithfulness in each of the student’s lives. The Salvation Worship Team started the program with a time of worship, the students shared a couple special songs, an encouraging message was shared by a visiting pastor, and all of the pastors and teachers at the event laid hands on and prayed for all 19 graduates. We are praying for these young people as they go back to their churches to use their gifts to glorify the Lord through worship.
Starting in February, we will be opening our School of Worship to students who want to study full time and live on campus. This is an exciting yet huge step of faith for us. We will have two courses available for students to take - certificate of completion and diploma. The certificate program will be only a few days a week whereas the diploma will be full time, 5-days a week.
Many more things have happened such as pastoral and leadership training, new converts at the church, visiting teams, hosting our 6th annual Christmas Market and much more! It is so encouraging to look back and remember all that God has done over the past year.
Thank you for your continued prayers for our family and ministries.
Pankaj, Tonielle, Levi, Eden, and Abigail
Prayer Requests:
We are still in need of committed monthly supporters for our family and ministries. Please pray that God would send individuals, ministries, and churches to partner with us financially.
Pray for protection over our marriage and over our children as they grow.
Pray for continued spiritual growth of everyone involved with and attending Calvary Chapel Kathmandu.
Ministry Website:
Salvation Worship Ministries: and
Calvary Chapel Kathmandu Facebook: and
School of Worship: and