Notes from 2 Kings 20-22

During this week's teaching, we learned of two different kings- Hezekiah and Manasseh. King Hezekiah was one of four kings that sought the ways of the Lord. However even after much victory and success, the king becomes sick and is told by the prophet Isaiah that he will die. After hearing the news, Hezekiah turns to God in prayer and weeps. In return, God heard his prayer, saw his tears, and healed him, extending his life another fifteen years. This was a great reminder that as followers of Jesus, we will experience hardship and difficulties. We are not promised a long and healthy life. What we do know is that God hears our prayers, He sees us, and He promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us.

In contrast to King Hezekiah, his son Manasseh did evil in the sight of the Lord. This provoked God and as a consequence He brought calamity over the land. Looking back at the cross reference there is a more detailed account of Manasseh’s reign. We see that the Lord gave him time to repent and to change, and finally after much affliction, he humbled himself, prayed to God, and knew that the Lord was God (2 Chronicles 33:11-13). This is another example of faith being tested, but this time waiting until the very end. Sometimes we have to be brought to the end of ourselves in order to cry out and seek God. After much fighting, rebelling, and turning away, the Lord brought Manassah back to Himself. If God could restore an evil and wicked king, know and trust that He will do it for others who even at their end also repent and turn to Him!

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