Calvary Chapel Managua- Cal and Jess Stuebner

Our Missionaries who serve at Calvary Chapel Managua in Nicaragua are Cal and Jess Stuebner. Read the update about their missionary work we received below and join us in prayer and support for them this month.

The Lord has been gracious to allow me to serve at Calvary Chapel Managua in various ways for the past nineteen years. We are a small neighborhood church in a very poor area of Managua, the capitol city of Nicaragua. We have a primary school of K-3rd grade that is supported by the church since the parents are so poor that they cannot pay for the total costs of the school. After serving as senior pastor for many years and praying that the Lord would raise up a local person to replace me, the Lord sent Mike Booth and his family to come along side us and he became senior pastor in November of 2019. The Lord always knows what is best as it has been a good change to help the church grow with younger people. I have been serving as co-pastor since then, helping in administration, teaching occasionally, and working with the construction/remodeling projects at the church. It is also good to have more time to do house visits and one-on-one ministry.

Jessica has been here ever since we were married in April of 2009. She teaches secondary science classes at Nicaragua Christian Academy International (NCAI) where she thoroughly enjoys exploring God's creation, often from an apologetics standpoint, and as a way to know God better like is suggested by Romans 1:20. During classes such as Biology, Earth Science, and Physical Science, or electives such as Astronomy, Anatomy and Physiology, or Marine Ecology, she often focuses on themes such as evidence of design or of God being the creative artist, the perfect engineer, the original recycler, and more. She helps her teenage students understand how one's worldview affects their understanding of creation, particularly in terms of origins, regularly comparing a secular view with a Biblically based understanding.

NCAI is an excellent Christian school that was created over 20 years ago to serve the missionary community, but it also has the goal of raising up Christian leaders within Nicaragua. With a US curriculum and classes all taught in English, NCAI is accredited both in Nicaragua and the United States, so that diplomas and credits easily transfer for the missionary kids. It is also regularly voted as the second best school in the country; and it's the only one in the top 5 that has a special education program and the only one that is an evangelical Christian school. The latter means that part of their program involves chapels, a middle school youth group and a high school youth group, mentoring opportunities, Bible study groups, and more. Their website is:

Even better is the video of Jessica on the employment opportunities page:

The church's Facebook page is: Calvary Chapel Managua

Prayer requests:

  • Please pray that the Lord will raise up more people to help with the worship team at Calvary Chapel Managua.

  • Please pray for our youth in the church to stay faithful and growing in the Lord.

  • Please pray for Jessie's school to find more teachers. They've been running short-handed for a few years now, and it's been tough on the teachers present. Please also pray for the teachers, that God will continue to strengthen them for the task He's given, and that they will find moments to rest in Him despite their busy schedules.

  • Please pray for unsaved family members.

  • Please pray for both of us to have wisdom as we minister - for Cal as he ministers to the people in the barrio and also as he works to support Pastor Mike, and for Jessie as she mentors and teaches her beloved students.

  • Please pray for the continuing remodel of the children's classroom.

    Please pray for the sick elderly church members, some of whom are too sick to attend services.

    Please pray that we will continue to have favor with the government.

    Please pray that Jessica will have wisdom on how to deal with the 9th grade class. They are a difficult group for all of the teachers.

To support Cal and Jess Stuebner, click here.


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