Lord, Continue to Bless the Work


Dear Church Family,

This weekend is the one-year mark of our church meeting at the Outlets in San Clemente. It’s amazing to think only one Sunday was rained out where we had to go underground for Sunday service.

The testimonies of lives changed throughout this past year has made the ongoing effort to meet at the Outlets worthwhile. I would like to say thank you to the consistent assistance of our audio-visual team, parking lot attendants, security team, setup and teardown team, and the rest of our volunteers who make our outdoor services a blessing.

I am praying for the Lord to continue to bless the work that we would see even more people come to Christ this summer.

Your Pastor,
John Randall

Follow Pastor John on Instagram

And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.
-Psalm 90:17


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