Listen for the voice of the Lord


"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand, or whenever you turn to the left."  -Isaiah 30:1

Today we receive information faster than we can process it. In the midst of all of the voices in this world it’s important to listen for the voice of the Lord. He speaks to us through His Word by His Holy Spirit. Jesus often exhorted the crowds that He preached to, “whoever has ears to hear let him hear.” (Matthew11:15) 
Are you listening to the voice of the Lord today?  Are you allowing Him to direct you during this time? God loves you so much that He wants to lead you like a good shepherd leads his sheep to a place of peace. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:37)
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father help us to listen when You speak. Give us ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying in the days we are living in. We want to know the right direction to walk and which path to take.

Thank you for your faithfulness.  
In Jesus Name, Amen

Pastor John Randall


September Baptism at Baby Beach


Beach Baptism at Dana Point Sept 20