Welcome home



We here at Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano are blessed and excited to be opening our facility again to gather together in fellowship!!  This is a decision that we have prayed about and continue to ask the Lord for His wisdom, guidance and protection for our church family. Please join us on Wednesday night at 7PM for a time of worship and teaching with Pastor John Randall!

In light of this we wanted to let you know what we will be doing and offering in regards to midweek services.



We understand that some may not be comfortable returning to the facility at this time so we will continue to offer our online services without children’s ministry. 


If you or a family member has any symptoms of any illness please stay home. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 we encourage you to contact a medical professional. We will not be taking temperatures here at the church. However we will be offering several hand cleaning stations throughout the facility. Prior to our first service, we have hired a company that will disinfect the entire facility to ensure that all contact areas, classrooms and meeting areas are virus free. All disinfecting solutions are non-toxic and safe for children.


Our midweek services will resume at the church on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 7:00PM.  We will have children’s ministry available.  The sanctuary will be set up as normal and masks will not be required but optional.  We clean and disinfect the facility before and after each service. This includes the children’s ministry classrooms.


Children’s ministry classrooms will be limited to 12 students per classroom and every effort will be made to keep the groups separated. All snacks will be served in prepackaged baggies.  All children will be required to clean their hands with sanitizer before and after snack services.  All children’s ministry rooms, tables, door knobs, are cleaned a disinfected before and after every service. Once a classroom reaches its maximum capacity, we will not be able to accept more children. Children 12 years old and older will be allowed in the sanctuary.  Children younger than that can sit in the fellowship hall or courtyards.

We will be having our Junior High and High School Services upstairs as normal and similar to the main service, masks will not be required but optional.

We will be cleaning and sanitizing the bathrooms frequently before during and after the service.

If you have any questions, please call 877-242-0828 to speak to one of our pastors. God bless you.




Jesus is Coming - Wednesday Drive-In Church